How to Write an Awesome Auto-Attendant Script

First impressions count, even when an auto-attendant makes them. If you’re making use of an auto-attendant, you’ve got a reason. No judgment calls on our part. You’re also probably aware that most people who call may think less of your business when they get a robot...

The Full Cast of Conference Call Characters

Beep. You’re the first to join the call. Welcome to business as usual as it speeds toward the end of the decade. Companies have decentralized. Staffing is distributed. Conference calls are a daily aspect of your life. And it only takes a few of them to discover you’ll...

10 Questions to Ask Potential VoIP Providers

Before you sign up! Whenever there’s new technology, there’s always a wave of people who greet it with open arms but never stop to ask a few key questions. Yes, people just want the next best thing – no questions asked. Therein lies the mistake. In some cases,...

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