How to Develop an Effective Call Script

How to Develop an Effective Call Script

Turn it into a tool to prompt conversation and engagement. The big names in show business will tell you they don’t memorize the dialog in their scripts. The script is so well written that it becomes nothing more than a reference prompting them for a response. A good...
The Most Irritating Business Buzzwords of 2017 (So Far)

The Most Irritating Business Buzzwords of 2017 (So Far)

Use them with care. You’re putting style before substance. Language evolves. A product name enters existence and eventually becomes the word we use to describe everything like it. We say, “Pass me a Kleenex,” rather than a “disposable tissue.” “Just Google it,” we...

The 3 Top Signs Your Co-Worker Hates You

They’ll turn productivity tools into avoidance tools. The phone and computer on your office desk are amazing productivity tools … but they can cut both ways. Both give you instant access to your co-workers. Both also give your co-workers ways to avoid you. Especially...

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