Q: Can you quickly explain what VoIP is?
A: VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP phone service (sometimes referred to as broadband phone service or digital phone service) is a phone service that operates by using your high-speed Internet connection. There are two types of VoIP services: phone-based and computer-based. These services allow you to make phone calls using either your regular phone, an app on mobile devices, or a softphone client on a computer (via a headset with a microphone). As opposed to traditional landlines, VoIP uses your phone or computer to call the number via the Internet.

Q: Can I call any phone or just VoIP phones?
A: We allow you to call any phone number in the world, whether that number be a local, long-distance, mobile, or international number.

Q: How is the voice clarity?
A: VoIP calls have voice quality that is at or above the quality of a landline phone.

Q: What differences are there between making a local call and a long-distance call?
A: In terms of technology or how you dial the number, there are no differences. Call charges, however, vary from plan to plan. Rates for long-distance calls are usually quite low.

Q: Can you give me a technical overview of VoIP?
A: As the name implies, Voice over IP refers to calls that traverse networks using Internet Protocol (IP). The voice stream is broken down into packets, compressed, and sent toward its final destination by various routes (as opposed to establishing a single, ‘permanent’ connection for the duration of the call like a traditional phone line), depending on the most efficient path (this varies from call to call). At the other end, the packets are reassembled, decompressed, and converted back into a voice stream by various hardware and software elements, depending on the nature of the call and its final destination.

Q: Who is VoIP for?
A:  VoIP service is best suited for you if you can relate with any of the following comments:
• “I have a high-speed internet connection and would like to lower my phone bills.”
• “I make expensive long-distance or international calls and would like to reduce those costs.”
• “I run a small business and phone bills are a significant part of my overhead.”
• “I like the convenience of taking my number with me as I travel anywhere in the world.”
• “I’d like to utilize attractive features such as conference calling, choice of any area code, voice mail, caller ID, call waiting, etc.”
• “I’m frustrated with excessive taxes and long-distance company monopolies.”
• “I live outside the U.S. but I need a local NYC number for my business.”

Q: Does it come with 911?
A: We require “Enhanced 911” (E911 ) and set-up the E911 feature with your current physical address when setting this up.

Q: Can I keep my number?
A: We allow number portability , so you can use the same number you had with your traditional phone provider. You should be aware that number portability is not instant, and can take up to 10 days.

Q: Can I get a number of an area code other than mine?
A: Yes, with our Local Presence feature, outbound calls can utilize area codes local to the destination of the call.

Q: How secure are VoIP calls?
A: Documented instances of VoIP security breaches have been few and far between. Also, encryption for VoIP subscriber units has laid to rest many VoIP security questions.

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