Voice over IP used to be pretty awful. Powerful improvements aided by new technology have transformed it
We all know somebody who loves to be on the cutting edge of technology. They rave about their latest discovery, and how it’s going to be a game changer. Then you try it out, and it’s a resounding meh. That was the verdict on VoIP when it started to make its way into the public eye about a decade ago.
Voice over Internet Protocol – VoIP for short – just didn’t cut the mustard. Sometimes the person you were talking to sounded more like a swarm of bees than your customer. There were echoes, hiccups, dropouts, and plenty of abrupt disconnects. Which was disappointing, because the idea behind VoIP makes it vastly less expensive than any other kind of phone system. Fast forward to today.
Why VoIP doesn’t suck anymore
This technology got off to a bad start through no fault of its own. The idea behind it was sound and highly promising. Take the sound of your voice and convert it to compressed digital signals that translate to Internet Protocol packets. Push them over the Internet. Let’s just say it was an idea before its time, as a few pieces of the VoIP puzzle were missing.
What happens if the person on the other end doesn’t use VoIP technology? Well, that was the biggest missing puzzle piece. There were plenty of others, as well, all hiding in a box labeled “Under Construction.” The Internet infrastructure – especially in the US – of a decade or so ago simply couldn’t support the robust digital pipeline needed for a real-time conversation.
Billions of dollars of infrastructure upgrades over the past 10 years pushed exponential improvement and capacity out to users. Today, all the things we hoped VoIP would do for us but couldn’t are a reality. The problem is that some decision-makers are hesitant to give it a second chance – VoIP failed the first-impression test, and a bad reputation is not an easy thing to repair.
Time to take another look
The infrastructure to support VoIP has been firmly established – every hurdle that crippled this amazing technology has been crushed. The only reason its adoption rate hasn’t grown faster is because VoIP got off to a bad start, and there are those who are still suffering from “AVoIPance.”
Here’s why you need to revisit the technology. Let’s start with repositioning what it’s called. “VoIP” doesn’t even easily roll off the tongue. Some argue the adoption of this acronym might have been the biggest mistake.
You have to wonder if things might have been different had it instead been branded as something easier to get your head around. Like maybe, “Digital Voice.” Strip away all the technological trappings and that’s what it all boils down to, anyway.
Keeping this in mind, consider all the things in your current world that run so beautifully using digital technology. You don’t even hesitate to pick up a mobile device to check your favorite social networks. Our world has been transformed by digital devices, but only because the necessary infrastructure is now in place.
Knock, knock. It’s VoIP at the door, asking for a second chance.
VoIP makes dollars and sense
There are no longer any sacrifices involved when you switch to a platform that delivers Digital Voice. The benefits are overwhelming:
- Cost savings – Our customers typically save between 30% to 50% compared to their existing traditional phone lines. And here’s another huge benefit: the cost jumps from your capital improvements spreadsheet over to operational expenditures. Ka-ching.
- Five 9s – Today’s Digital Voice platforms are rock solid. We’re able to guarantee 99.999% uptime because of our totally redundant data centers.
- Amazing integration – Try if you want, but you won’t find a communication-based software program that’s incapable of supporting Digital Voice. It extends the functionality and value of email, fax, and conferencing.
- Turbocharged productivity – Prepare to be impressed with the increase in overall productivity you’ll see when your organization can finally multitask on a single platform. Here’s an example: Digital Voice lets you send someone a document while you’re talking or video conferencing with them.
- Satisfying simplicity – Remember the first time you tried to configure a router or cable modem? Let that scary moment go. Our Digital Voice solutions are cloud-based, so there’s little or no installation involved and scalability is a breeze.
- All-in-one operations – Our Digital Voice solutions combine and store your data onto a single network. There’s a significant reduction in resources and time for your IT department.
You can still call it VoIP if you want – just don’t scoff at it anymore. The distortion, lagging, drops, and general frustration of Digital Voice systems are gone. You may have overlooked this technological four-leaf clover in the past, but Digital Voice is your future.
Check out CallSprout’s list of services and fill out our convenient form to see exactly how much you can save.