3 Productivity Hacks Backed by Science

Suggestions backed by research have a better chance of helping you succeed. Another day, another infographic featuring hacks that’ll turn you into a productivity superhero. And frankly, your boss is beginning to wonder about the cape. There doesn’t seem to be any end...

6 Ways to Tell If Someone is Lying on the Phone

Telling a lie is hard work, and often you can hear the effort. Are they telling you the truth? It’s said you can make a pretty good judgment call when you’re face to face with someone. Studies have shown that a person is being dishonest if they look up to the right as...

7 Ways to Prescreen Your Next Hire on the Phone

Anybody can look good on paper, but can they walk their talk? Doink! This resume just rocketed to the top of this list. There’s a checkmark next to every keyword. You almost have to wonder if this person is too good to be true. Only one way to find out, and that’s to...

CallSprout vs. Ooma: Which is Your VoIP Solution?

We’re the healthy Ooma Office alternative Oh, dear. It isn’t looking good for anyone considering Ooma for their VoIP. High startup costs, subscription expenses, extension fees plus extra outlay for conference calls? It all mounts up for a business. The great...

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