Benefits of VoIP: Why Your Company Should Make the Switch on

VoIP has grown out of its geeky experimental phase, and now it’s a proven business solution.

Late to the VoIP party? Says who? It’s wise to move cautiously when considering a change to something as crucial to operations as a phone system.

The good news is that the VoIP party is now in full swing. All the technology bugs have been worked out, and VoIP has gone from bleeding edge to mainstream. There are many reasons to make the switch—but the biggest one now is cost savings. It’s now far more expensive to cling to a traditional voice communication system than it is to put this amazing platform to work for your company. Here’s why your company should make the switch.

You’ll save money—lots of it

This is so important that it bears repeating, hence the reason for its top position. Remember the adage, “Time is money”? That’s literally the case if you’re still using traditional phone lines. Voice communication using a Packet-Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is charged by the minute. The cost is even more if you make international phone calls.

VoIP frees you from this dedicated and expensive network. It uses the Internet as a backbone, so the main cost you have for VoIP is the monthly Internet charge from your ISP. In most cases, the cost of VoIP becomes a predictable monthly fee. Many companies who have switched have realized at least a 40% savings on local phone calls, and up to 90% on International calls.

Less expensive equipment

Unlike other technology swaps, moving to a VoIP communications platform doesn’t require you to buy all new equipment. In many cases, the phones you already have will do—and your computers can be pressed into service.

Don’t worry about older technology like your fax machines. If they’re still necessary for your business, an inexpensive adapter keeps them in service. Or you can dispense with them because your VoIP system will allow you to send and receive faxes with your computers.

Your employees likely all have smartphones. Their Internet connectivity means that these devices also can take advantage of your new VoIP service. What they’ll also appreciate about this is that they can easily activate call routing. They can have calls to their office extension follow them while they’re out on the road. It’s a true productivity booster.

Unexpected extra functionality

Nobody likes coming back to their desk and having to make their way through voicemail hell. Voicemail to email transcription is a common feature found on VoIP systems. You can program your VoIP system to transcribe voicemail messages to text and deliver them to your email inbox.

No more notepads full of scribbled names and transposed phone numbers. As an added benefit, now you can archive these messages or even add them to a searchable database.

Auto attendant

The fastest way to lose a customer is to miss their phone call. A VoIP service lets you add the functionality of an auto attendant so that callers can interact with an automated menu. Sure, some people will grumble because they don’t like dealing with robots—but self-service is better than no service. This is a cost-effective way to get often requested information into the ears of inbound callers who might just be calling to get something as simple as your store hours.

Beyond sound

One of the most exciting aspects of switching to VoIP is that you’re blending the power of computer technology with communication. Call a client and share your PowerPoint presentation with them while they watch along on their computer screen. Send files as you have a conversation. Your phone is no longer just a device capable of transmitting or receiving sound. Even videoconferencing becomes a common feature.

No roadblocks

The capital expense involved with changing business systems is often one of the main reasons a company has avoided switching to VoIP. But because VoIP is Internet-based, their platforms are easy to integrate with the main business applications you’ve already invested in.

You’ll appreciate the ability to place an outbound call by locating a client with Outlook. Your call center can merge a VoIP system with enterprise products like Salesforce for a huge boost in productivity. Switching to VoIP also allows you to take a deep breath and worry less about scalability. These platforms are mostly virtual, which means it’s inexpensive to add lines when you need them—and only when you need them.

At CallSprout, we specialize in designing affordable communication systems that meet all of the current and changing needs of your business. Our list of services includes video, voice, and fax services for desktop, web, and mobile uses. Fill out our convenient form to see how exactly how much you can save.

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